Links to free 3d meshes

These links are to free 3d meshes. By free, I mean free as in libre. These meshes are publicly licensed in such a way that you can use them in your own projects without explicit permission.

If the license says "<popular license>-like", then the author does not specifically use that license, but in my opinion, the license is similar. You should check the actual license to make sure that it is suitable for your project.

GPL Combatable:

Site: Reiner's Tilesets
License: (public domain)-like. No attribution or other requirements necessary.
Notes: This site has mostly isographic tiles and sprites, not 3d meshes. However, there is an
area dedicated to 3d meshes.

Site: Kator Legaz 3D Models
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
The meshes on this site are all licensed individually. All of them that I previewed were
licensed under CC By 3.0. You should double-check that whatever you download is also licensed
as such, or that you can otherwise use it in your project.

You have to actually click a button saying that you agree to the license just to download and
view a mesh. However, all you are agreeing to is the free license that you are being given.
It doesn't make much sense. You have no obligations if you don't use the license.

Site: Free Dragon Head
License: Attribution
Notes: This isn't a site. It is just one mesh by some guy. I thought it was pretty cool.
Good, free meshes are pretty rare, so I'm linking to this one.

Site: Worldforge Media repository
License: GPL
Notes: There aren't any preview pictures that accompany this media. You can setup and test
the worldforge client, and see what media they have to offer. Or you can view the screenshots and figure out which
model goes where.

Site: Blender for Architecture
License: Varies. Mostly GPL or CC-BY-SA.
Notes: Mostly modern furniture.

Site: Scopia's Resources
License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0-like
Notes: Mostly modern, urban stuff. Buildings, furniture, plants, and more.

Not GPL Compatible:

Site: The Official Blender Model Repository
License: free for personal or commercial use
Notes: The models on this website are submitted by various people, not necessarily affiliated
with the site in any way. Most of the models on this site are probably GPL compatible. The
website itself, however, has some odd terms. You have to be the age of consent, for example.
The website terms are probably not legally enforcable in most jurisdictions. You are required
to agree to the terms in order to use the website. Perhaps you will not have to agree if you
never see them, as they are hidden. You should think critically whether you can use these
models in your project.